Until now, you have survived. You deserve to thrive. Untreated trauma leads to severe medical and mental health problems. The Trauma Solutions Program is a transformational service to treat unresolved trauma.

Five Phases. One Resolution.

Complex trauma is an interpersonal injury that moderates health and life satisfaction outcomes; however they are measured. Simply put, if you have a trauma injury, you will not feel better until it is resolved. Constructing the story of your past is vital to healing and helps you understand your personal history so that you can look to the future.

The Trauma Solutions Program is Vibrant Health Company’s flagship program, created by our founder, traumatologist Traci Baxendale Ball. In this deep psychodynamic work, witnessing your story is an art form so that you can experience the fullness of your being in recovery. We provide evidence-based treatments in phases to individuals and couples to resolve PTSD and complex trauma. The phases help you to, as Diana Fosha says, “face, feel, and deal” with your pain.

This integrative program is designed to resolve complex trauma and is the only program of its kind that you will find! The focus of Traci’s doctoral studies, this program is peer-reviewed and rooted in the most recent literature on trauma. Offered on an out-patient basis only, the program features:

  • A multidisciplinary team.
  • Phase-based care.
  • Exceptional practitioners trained and supervised personally by Traci.
  • A diverse range of services, including somatic psychotherapy and nutrition coaching.
  • Multi-modal expressive arts.
  • Highly complex cases: long-term treatment.
  • Flexible, individualized treatment.
  • In-person, virtual, and self-study options.
  • Long-term treatment.
  • Substance use treatment.
  • Case management.

Common Symptoms

Complex trauma, or CPTSD, is not yet well understood by most practitioners, but it is our specialty. It is a dose-dependent disorder, meaning the more trauma you suffer, the worse your injury is. Many patients with CPTSD receive multiple diagnoses, including Borderline Personality Disorder, and have been mistreated or undertreated by the medical and mental health system. Receiving the correct diagnosis and treatment is social justice. We see CPTSD as an injury or psychic wound - something you did not voluntarily experience, something that is not your fault.

Our approach

The one-of-a-kind Trauma Solutions Program features specialized tailored interventions split into five phases that follow a comprehensive assessment. First-line trauma-specific treatments are combined with medical care and medications where needed, case management, advocacy, paperwork for disability, medical coordination, and complementary psychotherapy approaches; in-house and allied practitioners provide these vital secondary interventions. The trauma-specific interventions, proven to resolve trauma symptoms, start after you have completed the preparation and education you will need to begin this difficult work.

The Trauma Program has literally helped me reclaim my life and believe in myself. It has quieted all the other voices in my head that others put there telling me I am not worth anything.

S. December 2017

Traci can help you move mountains. You are not on your own, and if you let the program work, you become unstoppable.

S. December 2017

Karrie has changed me as a person. She introduced me to the real me.

S. December 2017

Years of programming are being undone, and it is 100% because I am working with two truly gifted brilliant women (Traci and Karrie).

S. December 2017

Traci has been my therapist twice since I moved to Marquette, both times dealing with family issues. She was always emotionally present and confident in my ability to deal with trauma and family estrangement. When things got very rough, she saw me frequently until the crisis was resolved. Traci respected my choices and my pace of progress and was always compassionate. She never hesitated to push when necessary. All in all, a very positive experience with enduring change in my relationship with family members. Traci is knowledgeable, warm, engaged—everything a good therapist should be.

S. December 2017


Phase 1: Education & Preparation
Phase 4: Attachment & Healthy Relationships
Phase 5: Rebuild & Restore
Phase 2: Remembering & Rebuilding
Phase 3: Somatics: Healing the Body After Trauma